Feb. 1, 2021

#104 Making an Appointment at the Dr's

#104 Making an Appointment at the Dr's
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#104 Making an Appointment at the Dr's

Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discuss who works where.
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To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities p...

Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discuss who works where.


All Social Media + Donations https://linktr.ee/learnpolish


To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit http://roycoughlan.com/


Now also on

Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pxb8OvSYf4w9/


Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9SeBSyrxEMtEUlQNjG3vTA


To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits http://polonuslodz.com/


In this Episode we discuss:


Umówić się na wizytę- To make an appointment

Zapisać się- Sign up

Chciałbym umówić się na wizytę do doktora- I would like to make an appointment with a doctor

Czy ma Pan swoją kartę?- Do you have your card?

Kiedy Panu pasuje przyjść?- When is it fit for you to come?

Co Panu dolega?- What is the problem?

Kaszel- Cough

Katar- Runny nose

Prywatny problem- Private problem

Musiałeś płacić za wizytę?- Did you have to pay for a visit?

Byłem prywatnie- I was privately

Czy wolisz chodzić do lekarza prywatnie czy do lekarza publicznego?- Do you prefer to go to the doctor privately or to the public doctor?

Kurkuma- Turmeric

Olej kokosowy- Coconut oil

Naturalne metody leczenia- Natural treatments

Antybiotyk zabija dobre bakterie- The antibiotic kills the good bacteria

Nie lubisz chodzić do lekarza- You don't like going to the doctor

Pijesz herbatę z miodem i cytryną- You drink tea with honey and lemon

Chusteczka higieniczna- Hygienic tissue

Ręcznik kuchenny- Kitchen towel

Lekarstwa- Medicine

Herbata z imbirem- Ginger tea


If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit http://polonuslodz.com/


All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers - http://roycoughlan.com/


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