Feb. 17, 2021

#109 - 5 Keys to a Successful Relationship

#109 - 5 Keys to a Successful Relationship
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#109 - 5 Keys to a Successful Relationship

Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discussed what are the 5 keys to a successful relationship.
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To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation...

Learn Polish in a fun way with short Episodes. On this episode we discussed what are the 5 keys to a successful relationship.


All Social Media + Donations https://linktr.ee/learnpolish


To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit http://roycoughlan.com/


Now also on

Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pxb8OvSYf4w9/


Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9SeBSyrxEMtEUlQNjG3vTA


To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits http://polonuslodz.com/


In this Episode we discuss:


Zasada- Rule


Pięć zasad udanego związku- Five rules for a successful relationship


Szacunek- Respect


Szanować drugą osobę- To respect the other person


Tolerancja- Tolerance


Nie posprzątałaś domu- You didn't clean the house


Akceptacja- Acceptance


Akceptujemy drugą osobę- We accept the second person


Nikt nie jest doskonały- Nobody is perfect


Akceptujemy, że ta osoba ma wady- We accept that this person has disadvantages


Nie mamy oczekiwań- We have no expectations


Nie jesteśmy rozczarowani- We are not disappointed


Powinniśmy sam chcieć być perfekcyjni- We should want to be perfect


Ty jesteś dobrym przykładem- You are a good example


Relacje w pracy- Relations at work


Relacje w rodzinie- Relations in the family


Zasady ogólne- General rules


If you would like Skype lessons from kamila or her team please visit http://polonuslodz.com/


All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers - http://roycoughlan.com/


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