Oct. 12, 2020

#72 Polish Idioms

#72 Polish Idioms

To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit http://roycoughlan.com/
Now also on Youtube as Audio only https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk5CEEWZ2KgUTYJOTXNL8lQ
New Awakening Podcast jus...

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Learn Polish Podcast

To listen to all Episodes + The Speaking Podcast + The Meditation Podcast + Business Opportunities please visit http://roycoughlan.com/

Now also on Youtube as Audio only https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk5CEEWZ2KgUTYJOTXNL8lQ


New Awakening Podcast just released http://awakeningpodcast.org/


To get Skype lessons from Kamila or her team please visits http://polonuslodz.com/


In this Episode we discuss:


Polskie idiomy- Polish idioms

Oko za oko- An eye for an eye

Jeśli ja robię coś złego, Ty będziesz robił to samo- If I am doing something wrong, you will do it yourself

Twoja filozofia- Your philosophy

Mieć oczy, uszy szeroko otwarte- To have eyes, ears wide open

Uwaga- Attention

Robić coś na oko- To do something about

Dodaję cukier na oko- I add sugar for the eye

Nie mam dokładnej proporcji- I do not have an exact proportion

Dawać sól na oko- To give salt for the eye

Nie wiesz ile- You don't know how much

Na oczach- On eyes

Na moich oczach on ukradł jej torebkę- In front of my eyes, he stole her bag

Cztery oczy- Face to face

Rozmawiać w cztery oczy- To talk face to face

Są tylko dwie osoby- There are only two persons

Pod okiem- To keep an eye on someone

Mam pracownika pod okiem- I keep an eye on my employee

Kogo masz pod okiem?- Who do you keep your eye on?

Strach ma wielkie oczy- Fear has big eyes

Panikujesz, a problem jest mały- You panic and the problem is small


If you would like Skype lessons from kamila please visit http://polonuslodz.com/


All Polish Episodes / Speaking Podcast / Meditation Podcast / Awakening Podcast/ Polish Property & business Offers - http://roycoughlan.com/


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