Discussing Pocket Money with Special Guest, Daniel (#429)

Welcome to episode 429 of Learn Polish Podcast! Find all our episodes on our official website, learnpolishpodcast.com. Learn more about me, my six podcasts and my coaching via the 'Podcaster' link https://bio.link/podcaster. In this episode, I have a...
Welcome to episode 429 of Learn Polish Podcast! Find all our episodes on our official website, learnpolishpodcast.com. Learn more about me, my six podcasts and my coaching via the 'Podcaster' link https://bio.link/podcaster. In this episode, I have a special guest, my son, Daniel.
Our topic of discussion for today is pocket money. We talk about various activities that can justify pocket money, like helping parents, cleaning one's room, taking out the rubbish and hanging clothes in the closet. We also bring up the topic of schoolwork and the importance of a balance between studies and free time, as seen in the Finnish school system!
Listen in as we exchange views and have a light-hearted discussion about these everyday topics. Graphic aids related to this episode are available on Bitchute, YouTube, Rumble, and our Facebook page.
Leave us a thumbs up or a five-star rating if you appreciated this episode with my son, Daniel. Listen in next week for more! Thank you!
Words used
Pomagam moim rodzicom.
Sprzątam swój pokój wyjdź z moim zadaniem.
Wynoszę śmieci.
Wkładam ubrania do szafy.
Odrabiam lekcje.
Jestem grzeczny.
Mam dobre oceny w szkole.
00:00 - Introduction and Special Guest Introduction
00:29 - Discussing Pocket Money and Helping Parents
01:17 - Taking Care of Chores
01:59 - Organizing clothes in the closet
02:22 - Finland’s no-homework system: A good idea?
02:55 - Being well-behaved and having good grades
03:45 - Cleaning the entire house together
03:56 - Closing the podcast with gratitude and farewells
1 00:00:00,017 --> 00:00:04,137 Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast, episode number 429. 2 00:00:04,397 --> 00:00:08,657 You'll find all our episodes on learnpolishpodcast.com. 3 00:00:08,757 --> 00:00:14,337 Find everything about me, my six podcasts, and my coaching by the link forward slash podcaster. 4 00:00:14,777 --> 00:00:18,897 Today, I have a special guest, my son, Daniel. 5 00:00:19,097 --> 00:00:23,557 So, dzisiaj jesteś mój synem, Danielem. Tak. 6 00:00:24,397 --> 00:00:28,017 Oh, my God. The listeners know. Dzień dobry, podzim Daniel. 7 00:00:29,057 --> 00:00:33,857 Today we're going to discuss pocket money, tak? 8 00:00:34,097 --> 00:00:38,017 Tak, dokładnie. A what's pocket money? Kiesiankowa. Kiesiankowa? 9 00:00:38,857 --> 00:00:47,697 Tak. OK. Pomagam rodzicom. So pomaga rodzicom is like to help your parents? Yes. Good. 10 00:00:48,537 --> 00:00:52,317 Dziękuję. And just for those that are listening, we've got the graphic, 11 00:00:52,377 --> 00:00:58,597 which is on Bicius, YouTube YouTube and Rumble and we'll also put it on the 12 00:00:58,597 --> 00:01:01,437 Facebook page that you can download. Okay, next. 13 00:01:02,277 --> 00:01:06,657 Sprzątam pokój. So sprzątam pokój is to clean your room. 14 00:01:06,797 --> 00:01:11,757 Yeah, so twoje pokój is bardzo czyste. It's very clean. Dlaczego? 15 00:01:12,197 --> 00:01:15,457 Bo sprzątam swój pokój. Bardzo dobrze. 16 00:01:16,637 --> 00:01:23,837 Wychodzę z psem. So you wychodzą z psem is like you take your dog for a walk. Tak, dokładnie. 17 00:01:23,997 --> 00:01:30,217 So, twoje pies jest ajwi? Tak. And czy wychodzą ze psem? 18 00:01:30,537 --> 00:01:35,097 Czy wychodzisz z psem? Tak, raz na tydzień. Tylko raz? 19 00:01:35,457 --> 00:01:41,057 Tak. OK, dobrze. I zrobisz od mama to, kiedy robisz to? Tak. OK, super. 20 00:01:41,857 --> 00:01:46,517 Wynoszę śmieci. So, wynoszę śmieci is to take out your rubbish. 21 00:01:46,957 --> 00:01:52,077 Yeah, tak. A czy wynoszysz śmieci? Do you take out the rubbish? 22 00:01:52,617 --> 00:01:56,977 Czasami, tak. I help your mom? Czasami, tak. 23 00:01:59,257 --> 00:02:06,377 Układam ubrania w szafie. Układa ubrania w szafie is to hang your clothes in the closet? 24 00:02:06,817 --> 00:02:10,397 Tak, dokładnie. Czy ty robisz tutaj? Nie. 25 00:02:10,837 --> 00:02:17,477 Dlaczego? Bo mój tata bardzo dobrze robi i jestem wdzięczny. And twoja mama? 26 00:02:17,777 --> 00:02:21,857 Tak, też moja mama robi. Mi wkłada ubrania. Dobrze. 27 00:02:22,526 --> 00:02:27,766 I do homework and I do homework. 28 00:02:27,946 --> 00:02:31,186 But you have more often a vlog because you don't have homework, 29 00:02:31,406 --> 00:02:37,306 because your school is a system from Finland and there is no homework, 30 00:02:37,686 --> 00:02:39,486 right? Is this a good idea? 31 00:02:39,766 --> 00:02:44,346 Very good idea. pomysł? Tak, ja myślę, że też, bo kiedy jesteś w szkole, 32 00:02:44,466 --> 00:02:49,786 nie wiem, 6-8 godzin, dlatego musisz wracać do domu i robić pracę domową. 33 00:02:49,946 --> 00:02:53,706 Lepiej bawić się ze twoimi przyjaciółmi, tak? Tak, dokładnie. 34 00:02:55,246 --> 00:02:59,246 Jestem grzeczny. Your place? Jesteś grzeczny? 35 00:02:59,586 --> 00:03:05,226 Grzeczny. Dla mnie jesteś zawsze grzeczny, tak? A za mamę? Tak. 36 00:03:06,726 --> 00:03:15,346 Mam dobre oceny w szkole. Mam dobre It's like, I have good marks in school? Yes, good grades. 37 00:03:15,846 --> 00:03:21,806 Okay, good. Because I remember last year, you had that line on... 38 00:03:22,546 --> 00:03:29,146 Red stripe. Red stripe. That's all five, right? Yes. That's very good. Yes. 39 00:03:29,986 --> 00:03:32,746 Well, congratulations. And you'll do this? No. 40 00:03:33,706 --> 00:03:39,966 Good. So, that's very good. And do you have any advice on how I can do it? 41 00:03:40,886 --> 00:03:43,126 Nie. Może sprzątać samochód. 42 00:03:45,466 --> 00:03:52,406 Albo posprzątać cały dom. Dokładnie. Bo ty pomoc mi sprzątasz cały dom i zrobisz od tym, tak? 43 00:03:52,486 --> 00:03:55,546 I robi bardzo dobro, tak? Mhm. So dziękuję bardzo. 44 00:03:56,186 --> 00:04:00,866 So that's all for the podcast today. You've learned Polish podcast. 45 00:04:01,266 --> 00:04:04,566 If you're on YouTube and Rumble, be sure to give us a thumbs up, 46 00:04:04,666 --> 00:04:07,306 five star rating, share with your friends. Let me know what did you enjoy the 47 00:04:07,306 --> 00:04:08,286 episode with my son Daniel. 48 00:04:08,446 --> 00:04:10,826 Until next week. Dziękuję bardzo i do widzenia. Thank you.

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