Exploring The Living Room

Welcome to the 436th episode of Learn Polish Podcast! Dive into immersive Polish language learning as we take a tour of a typical Polish living room, known as a 'salon'. Join hosts Kamila and Roy as they guide you through a conversational debate on t...
Welcome to the 436th episode of Learn Polish Podcast! Dive into immersive Polish language learning as we take a tour of a typical Polish living room, known as a 'salon'. Join hosts Kamila and Roy as they guide you through a conversational debate on the functioanl elements of a living room and the terms you need to describe them in Polish.
In this episode, they discuss the meaning and pronunciation of everyday items like a comfortable sofa 'kanapa', a relaxing armchair 'fotel', the radiant lamp 'lampa', and a handy shelf 'regał'. Snatch up the opportunity to practice and improve your Polish language skills as Kamila and Roy touch on other learning points including verbs, phrases and comprehension tasks.
Daniel Packard, our sponsor for this episode, is dedicated to helping individuals deal with anxiety, offering risk-free services with a 90% success rate. If you're seeking relief from anxiety, consider visiting danielpackard.com and explore his free online training resources.
In addition, Kamila and Roy share their personal experiences and reflections on living room trends, offering a glimpse into real-life applications of the Polish language. Dive into the culture as they speak on the role of family mealtimes, televised entertainment, and the use of technology within modern Polish households.
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this episode will surely enhance your understanding of the Polish language. So sit back, tune in, and enjoy this practical, engaging, and fun learning expedition into the Polish language.
Remember to like, rate, subscribe, and share this podcast with your friends. Check us out on our YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble channel and at learnpolishpodcast.com. We are committed to constantly growing our audience, so feel free to suggest any Facebook groups we should join, or simply leave your feedback and comments for us. Happy learning!
00:00 - Introduction and Sponsorship
00:39 - Discussion on the Living Room and Furniture
02:19 - Talking about Lamps and Lighting in the Living Room
03:31 - Mentioning the Presence of a Wardrobe in the Living Room
04:03 - Differentiating between Living Room and Bedroom Furniture
05:04 - Declining Popularity of Carpets and Mentioning a Closet
05:37 - Importance of a Family Dining Table
06:14 - The Ideal Situation: Family Gathering at the Table
07:08 - The TV as an Element of the Living Room
1 00:00:00,017 --> 00:00:04,077 Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast, episode number 436. Szczęść, 2 00:00:04,077 --> 00:00:07,537 że się zna. You'll find other episodes on learnpolishpodcast.com, 3 00:00:07,937 --> 00:00:09,437 Rambit Shoot, YouTube and Rumble. 4 00:00:09,637 --> 00:00:13,257 Be sure to subscribe because then you get notification when a new episode has gone out. 5 00:00:13,417 --> 00:00:15,977 Be sure to give us a thumbs up and a five-star rating and share with your friends. 6 00:00:16,097 --> 00:00:18,517 And if there's any Facebook groups you think we should be joined, 7 00:00:18,817 --> 00:00:20,097 let us know as well. Just write to us. 8 00:00:20,137 --> 00:00:23,017 We're happy to, because we're constantly trying to grow our audience. 9 00:00:23,697 --> 00:00:27,717 And our sponsor is danielpackard.com. He's helping people with anxiety. 10 00:00:27,917 --> 00:00:31,337 Got a 90% success rate. So if he doesn't help you, you're not going to pay. 11 00:00:31,477 --> 00:00:35,037 Be sure to check out his free training, danielpackard.com. Find about me, 12 00:00:35,097 --> 00:00:38,897 my six podcasts, and my coaching, bio.link forward slash podcast. 13 00:00:39,537 --> 00:00:44,437 Cześć, Kamila. Dzień dobry, Roy. Witam cię serdecznie i wszystkich naszych słuchaczy. 14 00:00:44,617 --> 00:00:47,517 Zapraszamy na kolejny epizod, na kolejny podcast. 15 00:00:47,917 --> 00:00:52,457 Oczywiście rozmawiamy z Royem po polsku, o języku polskim, żebyście mieli szansę 16 00:00:52,457 --> 00:00:55,677 praktykować i uczyć się polskiego. Zapraszamy. 17 00:00:56,417 --> 00:01:00,177 Dzisiaj będziemy rozmawiać, o, bardzo sympatyczny temat widzę, 18 00:01:00,237 --> 00:01:05,397 w salonie. Taki temat, będziemy rozmawiać o salonie, about salon, tak? 19 00:01:05,437 --> 00:01:13,337 I dokładnie co w tym salonie jest, co robimy w salonie. Czy lubicie właśnie spędzać czas w salonie? 20 00:01:14,057 --> 00:01:16,877 Salon or in Ireland where you say the front room. 21 00:01:18,017 --> 00:01:21,097 Dobra. W Wielkiej Brytanii też mówi front room, nie wiem. 22 00:01:22,057 --> 00:01:27,297 Po polsku w salonie. I uwaga, uwaga. Na pierwszym planie widzimy taką dużą, 23 00:01:27,297 --> 00:01:30,577 bardzo wygodną, wygodna to jest comfortable, wygodną kanapę. 24 00:01:30,577 --> 00:01:32,977 Jak wie, to jest wygodnie. Może bardzo twarde. 25 00:01:34,417 --> 00:01:38,837 Myślę, że jest luksusowa i bardzo wygodna. Very comfortable. 26 00:01:39,537 --> 00:01:45,257 Kanapa, inaczej sofa. Możemy na niej siedzieć, to sit, relaksować się. 27 00:01:45,617 --> 00:01:49,417 Może siedzi na kanapa i jej kanapę. 28 00:01:49,794 --> 00:01:53,654 Tak, siedzieć, możemy siedzieć na kanapie i jeść kanapkę. 29 00:01:53,874 --> 00:01:57,914 Tak, kanapa, sofa, kanapka, sandwich, tak. 30 00:01:58,174 --> 00:02:02,374 Roy, czy ty masz w swoim salonie kanapę i czy lubisz na niej siedzieć, 31 00:02:02,494 --> 00:02:05,374 czy lubisz tam się właśnie relaksować, odpoczywać? 32 00:02:06,114 --> 00:02:10,614 Tak, na pewno. I ja mam ten, nie wiem, gdzie nogi. 33 00:02:11,914 --> 00:02:15,494 Fotel, tak, fotel. Fotel, kto robić to, nie wiem. 34 00:02:15,654 --> 00:02:18,694 I don't even know what you would call that, a flip arm chair or something. 35 00:02:18,694 --> 00:02:19,774 I don't know it in English. 36 00:02:19,934 --> 00:02:24,174 Taki fotel relaksacyjny, że możesz się położyć i twoje nogi idą do góry, tak? 37 00:02:24,414 --> 00:02:27,354 A potem śpię. I możesz spać. 38 00:02:27,674 --> 00:02:32,614 Tak, to bardzo pięknie. Możesz odpoczywać po podcastach, dużo pracujesz i potem 39 00:02:32,614 --> 00:02:36,754 możesz się relaksować na swoim relaksacyjnym fotelu. Fotel armchair. 40 00:02:36,854 --> 00:02:42,754 Nie mamy tutaj na fotografii, ale mamy inne słowa. Lampa. Oczywiście w każdym salonie jest lampa. 41 00:02:43,234 --> 00:02:47,974 Najczęściej blisko właśnie fotela next to armchair, Bo na przykład, 42 00:02:48,054 --> 00:02:51,954 kiedy siedzimy w fotelu i możemy czytać właśnie naszą ulubioną książkę, 43 00:02:52,674 --> 00:02:55,954 relaksować się, mieć ten czas, żeby napić się herbaty, 44 00:02:56,674 --> 00:03:01,554 ta lampa daje nam światło i możemy lepiej widzieć, co czytamy. Zgadza się, Roy? 45 00:03:01,934 --> 00:03:07,494 Tak, ale czy to jest, kiedy jest małe, obok i dużo? 46 00:03:07,614 --> 00:03:13,154 To jest mała lampa i duża lampa? Mała lampka, duża lampa. Mała lampka, 47 00:03:13,154 --> 00:03:17,234 duża lampa. Najczęściej lampka to jest mała nocna obok łóżka. 48 00:03:17,454 --> 00:03:22,634 A na suficie lampa, co ty mówisz? Na suficie to jest żyrandol. 49 00:03:23,294 --> 00:03:25,074 Żyrandol, ok. Żyrandol. 50 00:03:26,274 --> 00:03:30,274 Żyrandol. Czyli jest lampa, lampka i żyrandol. 51 00:03:30,654 --> 00:03:35,114 Dobrze. W salonie też jest szafa. W szafie możemy mieć ubrania. 52 00:03:35,174 --> 00:03:38,154 Albo jakieś dokumenty, różne przedmioty. 53 00:03:38,574 --> 00:03:40,814 Karol, masz szafę w salonie? Tak. 54 00:03:41,920 --> 00:03:47,100 Otwarte szafa, tak? Czyli taki regał, tak jak... Tak, dokładnie, 55 00:03:47,100 --> 00:03:49,600 regał. Nie mam szafa na salonie. 56 00:03:49,700 --> 00:03:54,960 Nie mam szafy w salonie. Mam regał. Bo tutaj dużo ludzi ma sypalnie też. 57 00:03:55,120 --> 00:03:59,560 Dlatego może być szafa, tak? Bo to jest two types of room. It's like you use 58 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:02,620 it twice, tak? Dwa rodzaje pokoju. 59 00:04:02,960 --> 00:04:04,540 Sypalnia i salon, tak? 60 00:04:04,960 --> 00:04:09,660 Tak, aha, dwa pokoje, tak. Dwa pomieszczenia. W salonie nie mamy szafy, 61 00:04:09,660 --> 00:04:13,100 tylko najczęściej, to prawda, mamy szafę w sypialni z ubraniami, 62 00:04:13,240 --> 00:04:18,920 a w salonie jest regał i na regale stoją książki, albo jakieś fotografie, 63 00:04:18,920 --> 00:04:21,800 tak, jakiś bazon z kwiatami. 64 00:04:21,960 --> 00:04:24,020 Roy, ty na pewno masz dużo książek. 65 00:04:24,400 --> 00:04:26,520 Regał z książkami, tak, zgadza się. 66 00:04:26,940 --> 00:04:29,280 Chyba tysiąco więcej, tak. 67 00:04:30,180 --> 00:04:35,820 Na podłodze jest dywan, ale ja muszę powiedzieć szczerze, honestly speaking, 68 00:04:36,040 --> 00:04:39,960 szczerze, to jest honestly, that I don't have a carpet because I have a dog. 69 00:04:40,980 --> 00:04:45,020 And without a carpet it's better for me because I can clean faster. 70 00:04:45,020 --> 00:04:49,400 And on the carpet there are a lot of different things. 71 00:04:50,380 --> 00:04:54,040 Roy, do you have a carpet? I don't have a carpet. 72 00:04:54,200 --> 00:04:59,400 And, for example, I remember my grandmother had a carpet. 73 00:04:59,620 --> 00:05:03,420 But now it's less popular, right? 74 00:05:04,140 --> 00:05:09,960 Less people buy carpets. But I think that in many houses there is a carpet. 75 00:05:10,180 --> 00:05:13,360 There is also a closet in the living room, a closet for documents, 76 00:05:13,840 --> 00:05:18,620 for some papers, maybe there is a passport in the closet. But this is Komoda Dragon, right? 77 00:05:18,880 --> 00:05:21,020 Is that the same? Komoda, ten dragon? 78 00:05:21,540 --> 00:05:23,200 Oh, there are these drawers. 79 00:05:24,651 --> 00:05:31,691 A tak. Także tutaj też można trzymać jakieś ważne rzeczy, nawet pieniądze można trzymać w komodzie. 80 00:05:33,171 --> 00:05:34,531 Moja jest pusta. 81 00:05:36,711 --> 00:05:40,931 I mamy również stół i krzesła, stół table, krzesła chairs. 82 00:05:41,131 --> 00:05:44,391 No to bardzo pięknie, kiedy w salonie jest taki stół z krzesłami, 83 00:05:44,431 --> 00:05:49,371 tam może cała rodzina usiąść, jeść razem obiad albo śniadanie, 84 00:05:49,371 --> 00:05:51,131 if there is such a possibility, or a dinner. 85 00:05:51,731 --> 00:05:57,411 Certainly, this table in the living room connects families, like Connect Family. 86 00:05:57,751 --> 00:06:02,291 This is a place where we are together, then there are no cell phones, no internet. 87 00:06:02,291 --> 00:06:10,631 This is very important, because sometimes children look at the TV and eat dinner, 88 00:06:10,631 --> 00:06:13,391 and it's better to talk on the table. 89 00:06:13,911 --> 00:06:18,991 At the table. With the family, yes. Tak, czyli nie jest to dobra sytuacja, 90 00:06:18,991 --> 00:06:23,151 kiedy dziecko siedzi na kanapie, je kanapkę na przykład i ogląda bajkę, 91 00:06:23,211 --> 00:06:28,931 a mama robi jakieś inne rzeczy w kuchni, a tata siedzi przy stole i patrzy w telefon, tak? 92 00:06:29,231 --> 00:06:32,671 Najlepsza sytuacja jest tak, a kiedy cała rodzina, mama, tata, 93 00:06:32,671 --> 00:06:37,851 dziecko i babcia, dziadek, nie wiem kto jeszcze, spotykają się przy stole, 94 00:06:37,991 --> 00:06:42,471 wszyscy razem siadają bez telefonów, telewizor jest wyłączony. 95 00:06:42,471 --> 00:06:44,131 What does it mean, Roy? Turned off TV? 96 00:06:45,171 --> 00:06:49,551 Turned off, right? Turned off TV and everyone is sitting, looking into their 97 00:06:49,551 --> 00:06:50,971 eyes, talking and eating. 98 00:06:51,291 --> 00:06:53,351 This is such a family celebration, right? 99 00:06:54,191 --> 00:06:59,591 My son, I have it. Oh, you're a lucky man. You are a lucky man. 100 00:06:59,791 --> 00:07:02,391 I don't have a choice. 101 00:07:02,771 --> 00:07:07,051 You didn't have a choice, but it's good that your mom did it. 102 00:07:08,222 --> 00:07:11,222 And the last element of the living room is the TV. 103 00:07:11,602 --> 00:07:17,382 I think a lot of people like to watch TV. They have a TV, sometimes on the wall, 104 00:07:18,042 --> 00:07:19,142 sometimes on the commode. 105 00:07:19,702 --> 00:07:23,682 And they watch various interesting films. There are also stories for children. 106 00:07:23,902 --> 00:07:25,162 Stories are cartoons, right? 107 00:07:25,482 --> 00:07:30,882 But also news, movies, romantic movies. Very popular, right? 108 00:07:31,382 --> 00:07:36,402 They all watch Netflix now, right? Netflix is better than news, 109 00:07:36,522 --> 00:07:38,662 right? Because it's always... News, news. 110 00:07:39,362 --> 00:07:43,822 News is never positive, it's always bad. What people think is bad, 111 00:07:43,882 --> 00:07:45,602 what's better is not watching news. 112 00:07:46,062 --> 00:07:50,062 Better than Netflix. Roy recommends Netflix. And positive, good, 113 00:07:50,302 --> 00:07:53,302 motivational films. Comedy, comedy. We feel better. 114 00:07:53,602 --> 00:07:58,702 Comedy, yes. Well, that's nice, Roy. Would you like to add something? 115 00:07:58,702 --> 00:08:01,542 Add, that's an ad. Add what you have in the living room. 116 00:08:02,562 --> 00:08:07,602 Is that all? There is sometimes a table. Stolik, mały stolik, 117 00:08:07,602 --> 00:08:10,382 jak coffee table. Dokładnie. Dobrze, fajnie, super. 118 00:08:10,842 --> 00:08:15,822 W takim razie dziękuję ci bardzo. Mam nadzieję, że ten podcast był dla was pomocny, 119 00:08:15,842 --> 00:08:19,862 helpful, miły, że praktykujecie słuchanie języka polskiego. A jeśli nie, 120 00:08:20,002 --> 00:08:22,742 to jest twoje problem, tak? Twój problem? 121 00:08:23,822 --> 00:08:28,942 Nie, jeśli nie, to dajcie znać w komentarzu, czy mówić wolniej, 122 00:08:28,942 --> 00:08:32,562 czy mówić szybciej, czy jest dobrze, co byście chcieli dodać to add, 123 00:08:32,702 --> 00:08:34,462 co byście chcieli zmienić to change. 124 00:08:34,462 --> 00:08:41,382 More than a topic what topic your feedback is very important for us so we are 125 00:08:41,382 --> 00:08:44,922 waiting, we are greeting and see you soon thank you Roy, bye bye, 126 00:09:04,582 --> 00:09:08,162 Subscribe, and we're on Rumble, Pichute, and YouTube. And when you subscribe, 127 00:09:08,342 --> 00:09:10,962 you'll get notifications. So until next week, c'est un peu à part, 128 00:09:10,982 --> 00:09:11,742 je vous dis à la prochaine.

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