Feb. 11, 2024

Hobbies - A Polish Learning Experience

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Hobbies  - A Polish Learning Experience

Welcome to the 434th episode of the Learn Polish Podcast! Tune in as we delve deep into the subject of hobbies and favorite pastimes. Available on various platforms including Bitchute, YouTube, and Rumble, you can listen, give us a thumbs up, share w...

Welcome to the 434th episode of the Learn Polish Podcast! Tune in as we delve deep into the subject of hobbies and favorite pastimes. Available on various platforms including Bitchute, YouTube, and Rumble, you can listen, give us a thumbs up, share with your friends, and rate us five stars!

Join us in this engaging conversation with Daniel on what he loves to do in his free time. From playing video games such as Fortnite or Gran Turismo 7 on PlayStation 5, watching cartoons in the cinema, playing football, putting together puzzles to enjoying board games. Daniel shares his favorites with us.

Not stopping at indoor hobbies, we also discuss outdoor activities. Hear about Daniel's experience playing football, cycling, and even sharing about his favorite travels to Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia.

Lastly, Daniel shares about his social interactions, discussing time spent with friends at school and at home, playing various games, and bonding over shared interests.

Find all our episodes at LearnPolishPodcast.com. Don't forget to check out bio.link/podcaster for more information about the podcast and for the opportunity to sponsor an episode or participate in any of our shows. Join us next week for another enriching episode. Dziękuję bardzo i do widzenia!


00:00 - Introduction and Podcast Platforms

00:17 - Discussing Hobbies: Playing Fortnite and Gran Turismo 7

00:57 - Watching Cartoons: Preference for Cinema Experience

01:31 - Playing Football: Indoor and Outdoor

01:57 - Putting Together Puzzles: Enjoying Jigsaw Puzzles

02:15 - Playing Board Games: Sin and Kartowe Uno

02:47 - Cycling: Weekend Trips and Distance Covered

03:18 - Traveling: Visiting Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia

03:48 - Spotykanie się z kolegami - Playing with friends

04:07 - Aktywności ze znajomymi - Piłka, hulajnoga, rower

04:28 - Find us on various platforms and contact information


1 00:00:00,017 --> 00:00:05,557 Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast, episode number 334, to find all our episodes 2 00:00:05,557 --> 00:00:07,257 on learnpolishpodcast.com. 3 00:00:07,617 --> 00:00:10,377 We're on Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble. Be sure to give us a thumbs up, 4 00:00:10,417 --> 00:00:12,457 five star rating, share with your friends, and you'll find everything about 5 00:00:12,457 --> 00:00:15,637 me, my podcast coaching, and my other podcasts on bio.link.com. 6 00:00:17,397 --> 00:00:22,197 Cześć, Daniel. Cześć, tata. A dzisiaj, co będzie nasza podcast? 7 00:00:22,937 --> 00:00:29,497 Hobi, co lubisz robić. Hobi, co lubisz robić. It's like, what do you like to do as a hobby? Yes. 8 00:00:30,017 --> 00:00:35,717 OK. Dobrze. Grać na komputerze. Grać na komputerze. Play on the computer. 9 00:00:35,977 --> 00:00:39,397 Tak, dokładnie. So, wiem, lubisz grać w Fortnite. 10 00:00:39,977 --> 00:00:46,537 Tak, ja lubię bardzo grać w Fortnite. Na komputer i na PlayStation, tak? PlayStation 5. 11 00:00:47,277 --> 00:00:52,197 5, dobrze. A co jeszcze lubisz grać? Gran Turismo 7. 12 00:00:52,937 --> 00:00:55,777 OK, super. Następne. 13 00:00:57,037 --> 00:01:02,477 Oglądać bajki. Ogląda szpajkę is to look at a cartoon. And co jest lepsze? 14 00:01:02,717 --> 00:01:07,617 Na telefon ogląda szpajkę, na telewizor, or na kino? Kino. 15 00:01:08,677 --> 00:01:13,037 Bo duży ekran, dobre głośniki, popcorn, picie. 16 00:01:14,417 --> 00:01:18,617 I dobra atmosfera, tak? No. I wybrane krzesła. 17 00:01:18,997 --> 00:01:22,957 So basically, instead of watching on the phone, the television, 18 00:01:23,017 --> 00:01:25,817 or the cinema, He prefers the cinema because you have the popcorn, 19 00:01:26,117 --> 00:01:29,397 good seats, and good sound, and there's a good atmosphere. 20 00:01:30,717 --> 00:01:34,337 Grać w piłkę. Grać w piłkę. So that's to play football. 21 00:01:35,257 --> 00:01:41,357 My gramy dużo raz, tak? No. Gramy na twoje pokój, bo... Piłką pluszową. 22 00:01:41,617 --> 00:01:42,817 It's like a soft football. 23 00:01:43,077 --> 00:01:49,517 And kiedy pogoda jest lepsza, na ogrod, tak? No, gram na ogrodzie długo. Jak długo? 24 00:01:49,837 --> 00:01:55,437 Około trzy, dwie godziny. Tak, ja jestem bardzo szmęczony, a Daniel nie. Tak? No. 25 00:01:56,837 --> 00:02:02,617 Następne? Układać puzzle. Układać puzzle is like to put together a puzzle, tak? 26 00:02:02,737 --> 00:02:08,917 Tak. So, a jigsaw. So, my robimy na pincers, pamiętam, i tysiąc. 27 00:02:08,917 --> 00:02:11,517 Tak, to było od wielkie pytanie, tak? 28 00:02:11,537 --> 00:02:13,997 To było tak, i to było bardzo piękne, tak? 29 00:02:15,437 --> 00:02:20,877 Grać w planszówki. Grać w planszówki. That's like play board games? Yes, exactly. 30 00:02:21,397 --> 00:02:27,277 So, we play it many times, right? Yes. So, we have this game Sin. 31 00:02:27,677 --> 00:02:33,597 Sin. Sin. It's very good. But, as I know, you don't play on PlayStation, 32 00:02:33,897 --> 00:02:37,477 but we play Kartowe Uno. We like it. A lot. A lot. 33 00:02:37,857 --> 00:02:42,277 A lot. A lot too, right? We still play. We have 20 games. 34 00:02:42,837 --> 00:02:47,337 Top Drums. Yes. Yes. And now we're buying Battleship, right? 35 00:02:47,437 --> 00:02:49,937 Yes. So, we're going to play it. Good. Stabby. 36 00:02:51,587 --> 00:02:58,887 Jeździć na rowerze. Jeździć na rowerze. Not to cycle on the bicycle. 37 00:02:59,207 --> 00:03:06,067 My, kiedy też pogoda jest dobrze, pamiętam ostatni czas robimy kilka razy na 38 00:03:06,067 --> 00:03:10,127 weekendu i robimy chyba 40 km. 44. 39 00:03:11,147 --> 00:03:16,267 44. I byliśmy śmieciony, tak? Ale to było fajne, tak? Tak. 40 00:03:17,907 --> 00:03:21,907 Podróżować. Podróżować is a trip, tak? Tak. 41 00:03:22,847 --> 00:03:31,127 So, my byliśmy na Estonia Talen i Litwa i... 42 00:03:32,547 --> 00:03:37,507 Nie pamiętam, there was Lithuania. Łotwa. Łotwa. So there was Lithuania and 43 00:03:37,507 --> 00:03:39,087 Latvia and Estonia, tak? 44 00:03:39,267 --> 00:03:42,667 Tak. And co było twoje ulubione? What was your favorite of the trip? 45 00:03:42,707 --> 00:03:45,767 Estonia. Estonia, tak. Dla mnie też, to bylo piękne. 46 00:03:47,907 --> 00:03:52,967 Spotykać się z kolegami. Spotykać się z kolegami. That's to play with your friends. 47 00:03:53,147 --> 00:03:58,927 Wiem, masz bardzo dobre przyjaciółami, w szkole i w domu też, 48 00:03:59,107 --> 00:04:06,647 tak? Tak. Bo kiedy jesteś ze mną, czasami gra i jest na telefon ze kolegami, tak? 49 00:04:06,767 --> 00:04:10,747 U mamy się spotykam z nimi na żywo, w piłkę gramy, jak jest ładna pogoda. 50 00:04:11,767 --> 00:04:15,407 I hulajnoga też. Hulajnodze, na rowerze jeździmy. 51 00:04:16,627 --> 00:04:20,467 Kiedyś też w planszówki graliśmy, ale to kiedyś. 52 00:04:21,427 --> 00:04:26,567 Dobrze. Dziękuję bardzo, Daniel. Dziękuję, Tato. So you'll find all our episodes 53 00:04:26,567 --> 00:04:28,187 on LearnPolishPodcast.com. 54 00:04:28,427 --> 00:04:31,247 If you're new, go back to the start. You'll find us on Bitchute, 55 00:04:31,327 --> 00:04:34,667 YouTube and Rumble. And you'll find everything about me, bio.link, 56 00:04:34,727 --> 00:04:35,727 forward slash podcaster. 57 00:04:36,367 --> 00:04:40,567 Start the podcast, sponsorship or get on any of my shows. So until next week, 58 00:04:40,587 --> 00:04:42,347 dziękuję bardzo i do widzenia. Do widzenia.

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