Polish Basics - Learning to Greet in Polish with Daniel

Welcome to episode 461 of the Learn Polish Podcast, "Polish Basics - Learning to Greet in Polish with Daniel", where we are offering new and improved programming while maintaining our mission to help you learn Polish in a fun and interactive setting....
Welcome to episode 461 of the Learn Polish Podcast, "Polish Basics - Learning to Greet in Polish with Daniel", where we are offering new and improved programming while maintaining our mission to help you learn Polish in a fun and interactive setting. This episode is all about greetings in Polish – a must-know topic for anyone planning a trip to Poland or interested in its language and culture.
This episode is guided by the insightful Daniel. To start off, Daniel goes over the fundamental greeting ‘dzień dobry’, equivalent to 'good day' or 'hello', which you would use regularly when meeting somebody. He explains this is a handy phrase to have at the ready, as it's culturally appropriate to use variations of the greeting depending on the time of day and formality of the situation.
We then transition into 'dobry wieczór,' which translates to 'good night' or 'good evening.' This is another common greeting to use throughout your day, particularly if you find yourself in a shop or out later in the night.
The next part of the lesson is about 'Cześć.' It has a dual meaning of ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ but is mostly used informally. The less common yet still essential greetings such as 'witam' (welcome) and 'do vidzénia' (goodbye) are also covered.
We wrap up the show detailing how to use various other casual greetings that are popular among youngsters. Even though greetings like 'seama’ (how’s it going) and ‘hey’ aren’t used traditionally, they are quite trendy and convey coolness. Daniel further shares some of his uses of these greetings amongst his friends.
This podcast episode is available on various platforms including Rumble and YouTube, and can be listened on Bitchute. Join us next time for another educational and enjoyable lesson on Polish vocabulary and conversation. Thank you for listening!
Find the show here https://bio.link/podcaster
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - Greetings in Polish
01:14 - Different types of greetings
02:24 - Uncommon greetings
03:07 - Formal greetings
03:33 - Saying ”hello”
04:13 - Saying goodbye
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Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast, episode number 461, staryste sześćdziesiąt jeden.
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And just to let you know, we're five years into the podcast and there'll be
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changes coming for the better, so you'll see something new coming.
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And this week we'll have Daniel for the two shows, but after the change in the
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plan is to have Daniel for the Friday show, just for kids and maybe it might help you as well.
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So, what are we going to talk about today, Daniel?
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Greetings in Polish, tak? So, how do you say greetings in Polish, po polsku?
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You don't know? Nie wiem.
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Okay. But there's different types of greetings, yeah? So, the first one is...
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Powitanie. Powitanie is the word, yeah? Okay. So, dzień dobry.
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So, it's like, good day, yeah? No.
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And how often would you say that? Every time you meet somebody, it's dzień dobry, tak?
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Tak, dzień dobry to jest tak jak się wstaje, bo dzień, day and good, good day.
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And like czasami jest kulturalne, kiedy jest na przykład, kiedy pan,
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pani, dzień dobry pan, dzień dobry pani, just turn this is, yeah? No.
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Okay, what's the next one? Dobry wieczór. Good evening, it's like good night
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or good evening? Good night.
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Good night, dobry wieczór. So, do I say that to you when you're going to sleep? Tak.
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Dobry wieczór się na przykład mówi jak się jest w sklepie albo w jakimś miejscu
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w noc, późno bardzo i się mówi dobry wieczór.
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The next one Cześć I
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hear that when I'm in the gym cały czas na śwobnie
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It's like when I go in there Cześć And when
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people are leaving they say cześć so it's like high and
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by but that's strange
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for a foreigner that you have the same word it's like when you have a you know
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your finger and your toe you don't really have a word for that it's the same
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thing it's like put finger foot toe yeah so chest is high and chest is by but
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it's normally with three of you you wouldn't say like in a formal situation,
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like chest chest chest you go okay.
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What's the next one hey like horses eat hay no hay for horses hay is like hay isn't it mhm,
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And when would you use hey? I never say hey. Do you say it to your friends in
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school? Never? So it's not popular?
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Okay, in a step?
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Seama. Like seama is kind of like, it's like cool. It's like,
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how's it going? Would it be that how you say it?
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So, how old are you in school? Would you say seama to your friends?
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No. No? What do you say to your friends? Yes. Okay.
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And you don't say it? Yes, yes, yes. Dad. So, papa means goodbye, tak? OK.
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Następne? Witam. Witam. It's like welcome, tak? Mhm.
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So, when, na przykład, kiedy jest gość, guest, your host, you'd say, witam. What you doing?
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Yeah, it's a, witam, it's like,
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welcome to now. And they tell her about their people or coś, tak? Mhm.
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And did you ever say, witaj? I've never said that either.
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Okay what's the next one,
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what's the next I can't see it the text is too small like the shrinkage can you remember oh hello so,
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do you like hello is because we were checking it and it's like hello but you
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never say hello it is like you move you wish get in the telephone,
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and you move you don't Daniel so you made you say and it's like nits and I go
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hello Hello! That's how you say hello.
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And how do you say hello in Irish? No. No? No. And is there any other words that people would use?
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Do vidzénia. Do vidzénia. Do vidzénia is goodbye.
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Do zebidzénia is like see you later? Mm-hmm. And any others? No? No.
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Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you. So you'll find all our episodes on Rumble,
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We'll be choosing YouTube and you can get a published podcast at Antalex with
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Cenk Uyghur. I'll see you next time.

Roy Coughlan
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