April 23, 2024

The Intriguing Game of Darts | Learn Polish Podcast

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The Intriguing Game of Darts | Learn Polish Podcast

Welcome to episode 462 of the Learn Polish Podcast. Today, we delve into an interesting discussion about the game of darts ('Żutki' in Polish). This episode takes a lively turn as Daniel, clothed in a blue top, integrates with the green screen during...

Welcome to episode 462 of the Learn Polish Podcast. Today, we delve into an interesting discussion about the game of darts ('Żutki' in Polish). This episode takes a lively turn as Daniel, clothed in a blue top, integrates with the green screen during our recording.

We discuss the nitty-gritty of the dart game, providing translations for key terms in both English and Polish. From tackling the fundamental elements of darts, like singles, doubles, and triples to the complications of scoring in the game, we cover it all. We even touch on the intricacies of the dartboard, specifically the bullseye and the outer segment of it.

Sharing our experiences and tips, we debate about the best strategies in the game. Electronic versus traditional darts, ideal throwing angles, and more - we unpack every aspect of this exciting sport. As a bonus, we even offer a spontaneous invitation to anyone who'd fancy a game of darts with us in Łódź!

We wrap up this episode by expressing gratitude and inviting suggestions from our listeners for future podcasts. If you're ready to learn some Polish through a fun and engaging game, this is an episode you don't want to miss. Enjoy it on our website, YouTube, or Rumble.


00:00 - Introduction to Learn Polish Podcast

00:37 - Exploring the Game of Darts

01:32 - Understanding Dart Terminology

01:51 - Mastering Dart Strategy and Techniques


00:00:00,017 --> 00:00:04,737
Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast, episode number 462, 16-62.

00:00:05,397 --> 00:00:09,297
You can find all our episodes on learnpolishpodcast.com, or on YouTube and Rumble.

00:00:09,897 --> 00:00:15,137
And today we're going to talk about darts. And Daniel now is becoming part of

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the green screen because he's got a blue top, don't you?

00:00:18,537 --> 00:00:22,697
And what are we going to talk about today? Żutki is darts, yeah?

00:00:22,797 --> 00:00:25,757
So gra w żutki is like play darts.

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Game of darts. Game of darts, okay. So I suppose we should just...

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And it's better for those on Spotify and YouTube and Rumble. Darts, what's...

00:00:37,257 --> 00:00:43,937
Żódka. Żódka, yeah? Żódka. So to jest ten odd metalowy, ale electronic,

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to nie jest metalowy tutaj.

00:00:46,677 --> 00:00:56,857
I masz trzy, wszystko ma trzy darts, tak? I graza odd 301, albo pincis jeden, tak?

00:00:56,857 --> 00:01:02,937
I musi być do zero i musisz konić na double. What's a double po polsku? Razy dwa.

00:01:03,157 --> 00:01:07,857
Razy dwa. So if you're looking, you'll see wszystko tutaj jest razy dwa.

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Na przykład tutaj jest czadzieści, to jest dwa, to jest dziesięć,

00:01:12,917 --> 00:01:15,537
and to jest single. Single there? Po prostu.

00:01:16,037 --> 00:01:19,857
Single, yeah. Dziesięć to jedno. Yeah, so one, twenty-five, tak?

00:01:19,997 --> 00:01:23,357
And then we'd call them triples.

00:01:23,597 --> 00:01:25,537
And what would you say that? Razy trzy.

00:01:25,897 --> 00:01:31,777
Razy trzy. That's nice and easy, so tutaj na przykład jest sześćdziesiąt, piętnaście, trzech.

00:01:32,337 --> 00:01:34,417
And then the bullseye?

00:01:35,357 --> 00:01:42,437
Strzał dziesiątka. Strzał dziesiątka. Bullseye is fifty, and then the outer

00:01:42,437 --> 00:01:43,777
one, which is twenty-five.

00:01:44,097 --> 00:01:45,917
Zewnętrzny strzał dziesiątka.

00:01:46,577 --> 00:01:50,297
Zewnętrzny. That's like the outside of the bullseye. Tak, OK.

00:01:51,077 --> 00:01:56,837
Dobrze. So, when you're playing, the best is tutaj. bo to jest sześćdziesiąt,

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a jeśli masz trzy razy to, to jest sto osiemdziesiąt, to jest bardzo dobrze, ale trudno, i tak.

00:02:05,057 --> 00:02:09,097
Ja mam kiedy byłem młodszy, Irlandia robi to, ale tutaj nie,

00:02:09,257 --> 00:02:17,037
ale Daniel ma na jeden, trzydziest, sto dwadzieścia dwa, because it's a very good job and you're…,

00:02:17,557 --> 00:02:20,717
because it's new for you, only a month?

00:02:21,197 --> 00:02:27,297
Yes. But electronics, it wouldn't be good because usually, how would you say it, it depends…,

00:02:28,657 --> 00:02:37,697
Yes, and it doesn't stay in, so for us it's 100% better than the normal rzutki, right?

00:02:37,957 --> 00:02:49,317
Normal rzutka. So, if you're in Łódź and you'd like to play rzutki with me and Daniel, Daniel, right?

00:02:49,777 --> 00:02:52,417
Yes, with Daniel. With Daniel, please.

00:02:54,117 --> 00:02:59,117
Welcome, right? Welcome, right? so dziękuję bardzo Daniel dziękuję,

00:02:59,957 --> 00:03:04,257
so you'll find all our episodes on our polishpodcast.com as mentioned on YouTube

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and Rumble show us a thumbs up five star rating share with your friends and

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give us some ideas for some other episodes that you'd like us to talk and that

00:03:11,797 --> 00:03:14,077
will help you until next week dziękuję bardzo do widzenia.

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Roy Coughlan


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