Ways to Cultivate a Good Relationship with Your Child

Welcome to episode 464 of the Learn Polish Podcast. In this episode, we delve deep into interesting conversations on how to foster an enriching relationship with your child. You can check out this episode as well as our previous ones on our website, ...
Welcome to episode 464 of the Learn Polish Podcast. In this episode, we delve deep into interesting conversations on how to foster an enriching relationship with your child. You can check out this episode as well as our previous ones on our website, or you can find us on YouTube and Rumble.
Today, we discuss essential factors in maintaining meaningful relationships with your child, be it a son or a daughter. Our approach primarily revolves around 'getting on your child's level'. We believe effective communication happens when each party can relate to the other's experiences and perspectives, hence the need for parental figures to be on the same level, emotionally and mentally, as their children.
We also explore becoming sportscasters or playing and engaging in shared activities, emphasizing the role that one-on-one quality time plays in strengthening bonds. This could be anything from a trip to the cinema or a visit to a theme park like Mandoria or Energialandia.
The podcast further stresses the importance of eating dinner together, highlighting the value of eye contact and conversations over meals. Spending time in the garden and even cooking together was also recommended. Bedtime bonding, such as reading together or solving math problems, is another great way we discuss to connect with your children. Sharing travel experiences, like a vacation in Estonia, was also discussed as a way to build tighter family bonds.
Thus, the episode is a comprehensive guide to practical and effective ways to foster a healthier and closer relationship with your child. Share your tips and strategies with us in the comments, because the more we learn and do together, the better!
00:00 - Introduction
00:31 - Getting on Your Child’s Level
00:56 - Becoming Sportscasters
01:30 - Quality One-on-One Time
01:51 - Eating Dinner Together
02:32 - Bedtime Bonding
02:57 - Going on Vacation Together
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Welcome to Learn Polish Podcast episode number 464. You'll find all our episodes
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on learnpolishpodcast.com, we're on YouTube and Rumble, and you'll find the links in the podcast.
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And be sure to give us a thumbs up if you find it really helps.
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Today, today, what are we going to talk about? How to have a good relationship with your dad?
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How do you have a good relationship with, well, Daniel said dad,
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Tata, Jan będzie mówi ze syn, albo córka, albo mama, tak?
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Dobrze. I could have a good relationship. So, first, get on your child's level.
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So, I suppose that could be like... On your own level.
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Oci do oci, tak? I... Ocio? Oci? Oci.
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Oci. I też się tak... Młoda, tak?
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Jan nie musi być stale i myślę stale. Ja muszę bawić się też, tak? To jest dobra.
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Next, we become sportscasters. For example, we always played sports.
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The last podcast was from Dax. What is it in Polish again? Rzutka.
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And he plays football and basketball.
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And what else?
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And we swim to the pool. We were on Wednesday in June. and the last wave of the week, it was good.
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Quality one-on-one time. So it's one-on-one time.
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Time together, right? So, for example, let's go to the cinema,
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right? Let's go to the cinema. To the cinema. Okay, sorry.
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Let's go to Mandoria, or what's the theme park?
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Angelland? Angelland, yeah, but what's the name in Polish?
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It's like team pack yeah. Następne is eat dinner together.
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So my zawsze jemy razem. To jest bardzo ważne dla nas, tak?
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So, snedanie, siedzimy oczy do oczy, rozmawialiśmy kiedy, like na przykład dzisiaj
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bywa bardzo piękna pogoda, jemy na ogrod, tak? The garden.
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I na obiad też czasami Daniel pomóc mi kiedy gotuje, tak? Ale bardzo żartko,
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ale czasami i kilka razy gotuje dla mnie, tak?
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Raz. Raz. Raz moje życie. To jest bardzo dobrze.
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Ale lepsze niż nic, tak?
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Ostatnie jest bedtime bonding. Na przykład, czyta książkę.
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Ja nie na noc czytam książkę, bo ja będę śpił szybko, tak?
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But we read a lot of books together, right? For a day. For a day, right?
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Or math or something. That's good, right?
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What else do we do together? That's good.
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For example, now we're going on vacation together, right?
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And we were a few years ago a month in Estonia, right?
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It was very good. A month. A month. For a trip, right?
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So if you have different ways of connecting with your son or your daughter,
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you might share it with us in the comments, because the more things that we
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do together, the better.
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So until next week, džen kvějabádzol i do widzenia.

Roy Coughlan
Serial Entrepreneur and host of 6 Podcasts. All 6 got to the Top 5%. 5 got to Top 1% and 4 to Top 0.5%.
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